Showing ADJUSTMENT values for cruise: 316N20070207 |
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Cruise: 316N20070207 (dataset:GLODAPv2.2019.NEW) Data product: GLODAPv2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Synonyms (including errata!) for this cruise: Climode 4; 316N20070207; alias: CLMD2007; 316N20070207; Climode 4; 316N188
IMPORTANT information for GLODAP Reference Group Editors: This adjustment is a published version for GLODAPv2.2019!
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The carbonate data is only given for the first 30 stations. Further not enough
(almost none) deep measurements for 2nd QC.
Posted by on 2018-08-17 12:45:18 UTC for data product: GLODAPv2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
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