Cruise: 06AQ19920929 (dataset:CARINA) Data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Synonyms (including errata!) for this cruise: 06AQ19920929;
IMPORTANT information for GLODAP Reference Group Editors: This adjustment is a published version for GLODAPv2.2019!
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RC_SO.png | [autogenerated from RC_Toste/adjustments!] |
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View 1 ReadMe(s) (Lists all ReadMes)
06AQ19920929 - 2008-06-17 14:28:34 - version: 0Posted on 2008-06-17 14:28:34 - last updated on 2008-06-17 14:28:34 as version number 0
3/17/99 Initialized README file for WOCE leg
118 stations mostly in upper water column
Multiple bottles routinely tripped at same depth
Data received from:12/04/07 PANGEA via B. Pfeil, but see Smetack et al. 1997
for full data
Received bottle files from Ronald de Koster; replaced all existing.
Cruise:ANT X/6, German SO-JGOFS
Sampling area: Meridional sections on 6W from 60 - 45S
Chief Scientist:V. Smetacek
Hydro: Who - R. Manuels;S.Ober; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
Notes: Sea-Bird SBE 9
See Bathmann et al. 1994
Nuts: Who - K. Bakker/P. Fritsche; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
Notes: Ammonium values by J. Poncin
See De Baar et al., 1997.
O2: Who - R. Manuels; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
Significantly more scatter than normal.
CTD oxygen of no value due to insufficient precision
TCO2: Who - M. Stoll; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
Notes: Coulometry. ,method of Johnson et al. 1987.
CRM used; Precision of 1.5umol/kg
TA: Who - J. Rommets; Status - final; S Plus -up to date
Notes: closed cell titration, Goyet&Poisson (1989) Constants
accuracy of 1umol/kg, method of Bradshaw and Brewer, 1988.
See Bakker et al., 1997
Bradshaw, A.L. and P.G. Brewer (1988) Marine Chemistry, 34, 155-162.
Goyet, C. and A. Poisson (1989) Deep-Sea Research, 36(11), 1635-1654.
pCO2: Who - D. Bakker; Status - no data; S Plus -
Notes: discrete samples taken at some stations as carbon
system check
See Bakker et al., 1997.
pH: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -
CFC: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -
C-14: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -
C-13: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -
H-3/He-3: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus - 1997
Chlorophyl a, U. Bathmann; See the CD noted in Smatacek et al., 1997 for additional data.
Fluorescence, S. Ober, ctd data.
DOC/DON, A. Antia/P. Kahler.
POC/PON, U. Bathmann.
Bathmann, U. V. Smetacek, Baar, E. Rahrbach, G. Krause, The Expeditions ANTARKTIS X/6-8 of the Research Vessel Polarstern in 1992/93, Ber. Polarforsch. 135, ISSN 0176-5027, 244pp, 1994.
Bakker, D.C.E. H.J.W. De Baar and U.V. Bathmann, Changes of carbon dioxide in surface waters during spring in the Southern Ocean, Deep-Sea Research II, 44(1-2), 91-128, 1997.
De Baar, H.J.W., M.A. Van Leeuwe, R. Scharek, L. Goeyens and P. Fritsche, Nutrient anomalies in Fragilariopsis kerguelensis blooms, iron deficiency and the nitrte/phosphate ratio (A.C. Redfield) of the Antarctic Ocean, Deep-Sea Research II, 44(1-2), 229-260, 1997.
Johnson K.M., P.J. LeB. Williams, L. Brändström and J. McN Sieburth, Coulometric total carbon dioxide analysis for marine studies: Automatization and calibration. Mar. Chem., 21, 117-133, 1987.
Smetacek, V., H. de Baar, U. Bathmann, K. Lochte, M. Rutgers van der Loeff, Ecology and biogeochemistry of the Antarctic circumpolar current during austral spring: Southern Ocean JGOFS Cruise ANT X/6 of R.V. Polarstern, Deep-Sea Research II, including CD-ROM, 44(1-2), 519 pp, 1997.

Filename: | Comment: | Action | |
unadjusted_06AQ19920929_06MT19900123_SAL.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/salinity!] |
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xover_sum_06AQ19920929_SAL.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/salinity!] |
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View comment(s) (filtered by salinity in subject)
Autogenerated CTD salinity and CTD oxygen update
Automated update! This overwrites adjustment values (and flags) of CTDoxy and
CTDsal with the values from BOTsal and BOToxy for every cruise, unless CTDsal
(or CTDoxy) is not present or bad.
Salinity action ID:5; CTD salinity data good, setting CTD salinity offset and QC
flag to bottle values.
Oxygen action ID:3; no CTD oxygen data. Setting CTD oxygen offset to -999, QC
flag removed.
Posted by on 2015-02-19 09:22:17 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - salinity
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : maintain 0
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929/salinity: update slope+intercept
autogenerated: BOTsal is compatible with unchanged CTDsal
Posted by on 2014-12-18 16:52:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929/salinity: init slope+intercept
autogenerated: using mean of BOTsal and UNCHANGED CTDsal
Posted by on 2014-02-25 17:02:11 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - salinity
Almost no cross-overs.
No adjustment based on comparison with Geosecs Atlantic.
23 July 2008,
Mario Hoppema
Posted by on 2008-07-23 14:22:45 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023

View comment(s) (filtered by ctd_salinity in subject)
Autogenerated CTD salinity and CTD oxygen update
Automated update! This overwrites adjustment values (and flags) of CTDoxy and
CTDsal with the values from BOTsal and BOToxy for every cruise, unless CTDsal
(or CTDoxy) is not present or bad.
Salinity action ID:5; CTD salinity data good, setting CTD salinity offset and QC
flag to bottle values.
Oxygen action ID:3; no CTD oxygen data. Setting CTD oxygen offset to -999, QC
flag removed.
Posted by on 2015-02-19 09:22:17 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023

Filename: | Comment: | Action | |
unadjusted_06AQ19920929_06MT19900123_DIC.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/tco2!] |
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xover_sum_06AQ19920929_DIC.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/tco2!] |
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View comment(s) (filtered by tco2 in subject)
Autogenerated comment - tCO2
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : maintain 0
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - tco2
Only 2 cross-overs.
One with Geosecs Atlantic (which is reliable in the Southern Ocean) and another
with 06AQ19860627.
The latter needs an adjustment, and is less reliable.
Based on the good agreement with Geosecs we propose NO adjustment for
23 July 2008,
Mario Hoppema, Steven van Heuven
Posted by on 2008-07-23 14:41:48 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023

View comment(s) (filtered by alkalinity in subject)
Autogenerated comment - alkalinity
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : make -9. Only two xovers, both of
mediocre quality, but clear indication of this being high.
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - alkalinity
Only 2 cross-overs, with Geosecs Atlantic and 35A319950111.
These get an alkalinity adjustment of -10 and -8, respectively.
Because alkalinity of 06AQ19920929 compares well with both of these, an
adjustment seems warranted.
We thus propose an adjustment of -8
23 July 2008,
Mario Hoppema, Steven van Heuven
Posted by on 2008-07-23 15:48:17 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023

View comment(s) (filtered by ph in subject)
Autogenerated comment - phosphate
Automated update setting data quality flag from BAD to GOOD in order to retain
these non-QCed data in final product. SvH/GLODAPv2 / 2015-01-19)
Posted by on 2015-01-20 14:46:41 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - phosphate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : make -888. Very few stations, and
quite some noise. Also, very weird kink in the NO3-PO4 regression
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023

Filename: | Comment: | Action | |
unadjusted_06AQ19920929_06MT19900123_NO3.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/nitrate!] |
View | |
xover_sum_06AQ19920929_NO3.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/nitrate!] |
View |

View comment(s) (filtered by nitrate in subject)
Autogenerated comment - nitrate
Automated update setting data quality flag from BAD to GOOD in order to retain
these non-QCed data in final product. SvH/GLODAPv2 / 2015-01-19)
Posted by on 2015-01-20 14:46:41 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - nitrate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : make -888. Very few stations, and
quite some noise. Also, very weird kink in the NO3-PO4 regression
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - nitrate
Six cross-overs.
All but one within the 2% boundary.
We thus propose NO adjustment of nitrate for cruise 06AQ19920929
23 July 2008,
Mario Hopema, Steven van Heuven
Posted by on 2008-07-23 15:55:04 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023

Filename: | Comment: | Action | |
unadjusted_06AQ19920929_06MT19900123_PO4.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/phosphate!] |
View | |
xover_sum_06AQ19920929_PO4.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/phosphate!] |
View |

View comment(s) (filtered by phosphate in subject)
Autogenerated comment - phosphate
Automated update setting data quality flag from BAD to GOOD in order to retain
these non-QCed data in final product. SvH/GLODAPv2 / 2015-01-19)
Posted by on 2015-01-20 14:46:41 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - phosphate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : make -888. Very few stations, and
quite some noise. Also, very weird kink in the NO3-PO4 regression
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023

Filename: | Comment: | Action | |
unadjusted_06AQ19920929_06MT19900123_SIL.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/silicate!] |
View | |
xover_sum_06AQ19920929_SIL.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/silicate!] |
View |

View comment(s) (filtered by silicate in subject)
Autogenerated comment - silicate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : Maintain 1.00. Only clear xover
(4% low) is against MT1990 (which is 4% high).
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - silicate
Adjustment changed to 1 in the Groningen 2013 meeting. The inversion suggested
an 7% upward correction, which would bring it back to 1.
Posted by on 2014-02-11 17:50:24 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - silicate
Posted by on 2008-07-23 16:05:32 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - silicate
Six cross-overs.
Silicate seems too high compared to all of these by 7%.
Inversion analysis by Steven van Heuven also suggests a large adjustment (9%).
We propose an adjustment with 0.93
23 July 2008,
Mario Hoppema, Steven van Heuven
Posted by on 2008-07-23 16:05:26 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023

Filename: | Comment: | Action | |
unadjusted_06AQ19920929_06MT19900123_O2.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/oxygen!] |
View | |
xover_sum_06AQ19920929_O2.pdf | [autogenerated from RC_Steven/oxygen!] |
View |

View comment(s) (filtered by oxygen in subject)
Autogenerated CTD salinity and CTD oxygen update
Automated update! This overwrites adjustment values (and flags) of CTDoxy and
CTDsal with the values from BOTsal and BOToxy for every cruise, unless CTDsal
(or CTDoxy) is not present or bad.
Salinity action ID:5; CTD salinity data good, setting CTD salinity offset and QC
flag to bottle values.
Oxygen action ID:3; no CTD oxygen data. Setting CTD oxygen offset to -999, QC
flag removed.
Posted by on 2015-02-19 09:22:17 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - oxygen
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : make 0.98. Is 1 to 1.5% higher
than MT1990, which gets 0.99. Inversions (both the unadjusted-data inversion and
worst-offenders-preadjusted inversion) agree that this cruise should get 0.978
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929/oxygen: update slope+intercept
autogenerated: only BOToxy available (no CTDoxy)
Posted by on 2014-12-18 16:52:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929/oxygen: init slope+intercept
autogenerated: using BOToxy (no CTDoxy)
Posted by on 2014-02-25 17:02:11 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - oxygen
Six cross-overs.
Cross-overs suggest that this cruise is too high.
Inversion by Steven van Heuven suggests an adjustments by 1.5%.
We propose an adjustment with factor 0.99
23 July 2008,
Mario Hoppema, Steven van Heuven
Posted by on 2008-07-23 16:38:57 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023

View comment(s) (filtered by ctd_oxygen in subject)
Autogenerated CTD salinity and CTD oxygen update
Automated update! This overwrites adjustment values (and flags) of CTDoxy and
CTDsal with the values from BOTsal and BOToxy for every cruise, unless CTDsal
(or CTDoxy) is not present or bad.
Salinity action ID:5; CTD salinity data good, setting CTD salinity offset and QC
flag to bottle values.
Oxygen action ID:3; no CTD oxygen data. Setting CTD oxygen offset to -999, QC
flag removed.
Posted by on 2015-02-19 09:22:17 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023

View 22 comment(s) (Lists all comments)
Autogenerated CTD salinity and CTD oxygen update
Automated update! This overwrites adjustment values (and flags) of CTDoxy and
CTDsal with the values from BOTsal and BOToxy for every cruise, unless CTDsal
(or CTDoxy) is not present or bad.
Salinity action ID:5; CTD salinity data good, setting CTD salinity offset and QC
flag to bottle values.
Oxygen action ID:3; no CTD oxygen data. Setting CTD oxygen offset to -999, QC
flag removed.
Posted by on 2015-02-19 09:22:17 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - phosphate
Automated update setting data quality flag from BAD to GOOD in order to retain
these non-QCed data in final product. SvH/GLODAPv2 / 2015-01-19)
Posted by on 2015-01-20 14:46:41 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - nitrate
Automated update setting data quality flag from BAD to GOOD in order to retain
these non-QCed data in final product. SvH/GLODAPv2 / 2015-01-19)
Posted by on 2015-01-20 14:46:41 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - oxygen
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : make 0.98. Is 1 to 1.5% higher
than MT1990, which gets 0.99. Inversions (both the unadjusted-data inversion and
worst-offenders-preadjusted inversion) agree that this cruise should get 0.978
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - silicate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : Maintain 1.00. Only clear xover
(4% low) is against MT1990 (which is 4% high).
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - phosphate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : make -888. Very few stations, and
quite some noise. Also, very weird kink in the NO3-PO4 regression
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - nitrate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : make -888. Very few stations, and
quite some noise. Also, very weird kink in the NO3-PO4 regression
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - alkalinity
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : make -9. Only two xovers, both of
mediocre quality, but clear indication of this being high.
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - tCO2
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : maintain 0
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - salinity
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2_ATL_for_Carsten.xls / 2015-01-08): : maintain 0
Posted by on 2015-01-08 16:40:56 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929/oxygen: update slope+intercept
autogenerated: only BOToxy available (no CTDoxy)
Posted by on 2014-12-18 16:52:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929/salinity: update slope+intercept
autogenerated: BOTsal is compatible with unchanged CTDsal
Posted by on 2014-12-18 16:52:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929/oxygen: init slope+intercept
autogenerated: using BOToxy (no CTDoxy)
Posted by on 2014-02-25 17:02:11 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929/salinity: init slope+intercept
autogenerated: using mean of BOTsal and UNCHANGED CTDsal
Posted by on 2014-02-25 17:02:11 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - silicate
Adjustment changed to 1 in the Groningen 2013 meeting. The inversion suggested
an 7% upward correction, which would bring it back to 1.
Posted by on 2014-02-11 17:50:24 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - oxygen
Six cross-overs.
Cross-overs suggest that this cruise is too high.
Inversion by Steven van Heuven suggests an adjustments by 1.5%.
We propose an adjustment with factor 0.99
23 July 2008,
Mario Hoppema, Steven van Heuven
Posted by on 2008-07-23 16:38:57 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - silicate
Posted by on 2008-07-23 16:05:32 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - silicate
Six cross-overs.
Silicate seems too high compared to all of these by 7%.
Inversion analysis by Steven van Heuven also suggests a large adjustment (9%).
We propose an adjustment with 0.93
23 July 2008,
Mario Hoppema, Steven van Heuven
Posted by on 2008-07-23 16:05:26 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - nitrate
Six cross-overs.
All but one within the 2% boundary.
We thus propose NO adjustment of nitrate for cruise 06AQ19920929
23 July 2008,
Mario Hopema, Steven van Heuven
Posted by on 2008-07-23 15:55:04 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - alkalinity
Only 2 cross-overs, with Geosecs Atlantic and 35A319950111.
These get an alkalinity adjustment of -10 and -8, respectively.
Because alkalinity of 06AQ19920929 compares well with both of these, an
adjustment seems warranted.
We thus propose an adjustment of -8
23 July 2008,
Mario Hoppema, Steven van Heuven
Posted by on 2008-07-23 15:48:17 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - tco2
Only 2 cross-overs.
One with Geosecs Atlantic (which is reliable in the Southern Ocean) and another
with 06AQ19860627.
The latter needs an adjustment, and is less reliable.
Based on the good agreement with Geosecs we propose NO adjustment for
23 July 2008,
Mario Hoppema, Steven van Heuven
Posted by on 2008-07-23 14:41:48 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
06AQ19920929 - salinity
Almost no cross-overs.
No adjustment based on comparison with Geosecs Atlantic.
23 July 2008,
Mario Hoppema
Posted by on 2008-07-23 14:22:45 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
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